Usually I go to Taiwan every year to visit my father's family such as my grandfather, my grandmother, my uncle, my aunts and my cousins. But this last two years my family and I didn't go there, it made me miss them so much. I still remember when I was there, my uncle took us to many interesting places such as Taiwan's Zoo, museum , malls and national parks and we also enjoyed Taiwanesse dishes such as dumplings and the street snacks. Taiwan's Zoo was a little bit different with Surabaya's Zoo, it has a lot of beautiful parks and many kinds of birds ;moreover, it is well organized. The zoo is very large, it is about twice bigger than Surabaya's Zoo. It will take you about two days to see all of the atractive animals and various kinds of plants there. The animal I liked most in that zoo was the cute pinguins. They are taken care of in a huge fozen place which is very comfortable for them and fed with fresh fish. My brothers liked the reptiles there are a lot of kinds of snakes, lizards and crocodiles that we can't find in Indonesia. That was our first time went to Taiwan's Zoo, we really had a good time and enjoyed there.
Taiwan's museum also amazed me because it has a very modern technologies, they devided into three zones: Historian zone, pre-historian zone and science zone. In the historian zone we could learn a lot about Taiwan's ancient history, ancient people and Taiwan's old technologies like artifacts. It was very cool and I got many new informations about Taiwan but none of my brother enjoyed there especially my youngest brother, Terry. My father also told me a lot of things about ancient Taiwan. Pre-historian zone contains many kinds of Dinosaurs from the strong and big one until the small and weak one, this was also the place where Terry enjoyed a lot, truthfully he liked dinosaurs very much and he also collected many books about Dinosaurs. He has an interest at Dinosaurs and almost didn't want to leaved the pre-historian zone. The science zone was the most suitables zone for Calvin since he always likes to learn something new. The science zone has a lot of machine to help you to learn more about human's anatomy and there were many sources for doing labolatory research. We liked the museum so much because we can get a lot of new things from this museum and I think museum is the new way of teaching besides learning at school.
Taiwan also has many parks and it is totally different with Surabaya's. The parks are very big and beautiful and usually we have to pay money to enter the parks and some of them are not cheap. The parks has a lot of beautiful scenes such as huge waterfall, artificial mountains and a massive pond with many Koi fish inside. I saw a lot of children were playing kites and hide and seeks at the park and it was really fun, I played with them for a whole afternoon and I made friend with them. It were the same as my brothers, they also had fun at the park, they fed the pigeons in the park with sone peanuts from my uncle. My brothers liked the pigeon very much because they were not only cute but also very kind and friendly towards people.
Usually we went back from Tauwan with many souvenirs and Taiwaness snacks such as "pia", Taiwaness candies and pickles. We brought it and gave it to my family in Surabaya who never went to Taiwan before. Sometimes we also bought some magazines or books for my grandparents.The trip to Taiwan was very interesting and very memorable. I am looking forward for my next trip to Taiwan, I have already missed my family there hopefully I visit the museum and Taiwan's Zoo again, I also missed the pinguins so much, I hope the pinguins has already grown up when I am there for the second time.
For you who never visit Taiwan, it is well recomended country for your holiday and I wish you will enjoy as much as I do.
My name is Ivan Tantio, I am now fifteen years old. I live at a place near Kenjeran with my family. My family have five members they are my father, my mother, me and two brothers, Whose named Calvin and Terry. My father's name is Mr.Chen who is an ordinary bussinesman. My mother's name is Linda, she is a housewife, she does households works everyday from morning to midnight. In the morning she usually wakes me up, sweeps the floor, washes the clothes and prepares the breakfast. Calvin and Terry are both busy students, they always wake up in the early morning and sleep very late at night. Calvin and Terry are the same as me, we do every things together such as eating, studying, playing and watching TV.
My father is now fourty seven years old. He is a person with high charisma, he is very strict and discipline that doesn not like to see me lazy on learning or studying especially on my school project. He likes to play baseball and table tennis, he was also the one who taught me how to play table tennis and baseball. He is also genius in mathematic and science, no wonder many mathematics olympiad had been won by him when he was still in a school age. Eventhough he is very old now but he still can achieve many rewards especially in table tennis competitions. He always get a gold medal in table tennis competitions.
My mother is now fourty three years old but she is still very energic while doing the households works. Even she does not achieve any achievement but she admits that she always did well at school, she never made my grandparents upset because of her scores. She is also very wise, she always helps me and my brothers out from our problems such as teaching us how to do our homeworks and helping us making the timetable while the final test is near.
Calvin is my second brother who is sitting in the second grade of junior high school. He is still fourteen but Ihe can do anything by himself. He is also very deligent so that he always get a good score from school especially at mathematics subject, which he likes the most. He had ever won a trophy because he could get the highest score of the national exam among his friends when he was still in elementary school. His hobbies are the same with my father such as table tennis, baseball and soccer. He does not like playing computer games but he has a PSP( Playstation Portable), he has it not because he wants it but my parents gave it to him because his achievement at school.
Terry is my little brother which is still eleven years old and still in the sixth grade of elementary school. He is very small but I think he is very cute in this size. He is a spoiled child maybe because he feels he is the youngest son in my family. He is a little bit naughty and lazy, he very likes to play and very lazy to study. It could take much time to make him sit down at the desk and study since he is really active. Playing alone is his favorite job ;moreover, daydreaming. He has so many hobbies that all related with playing such as playing cardsgame, computergames and boardgames. Although he hates study very much, he never gets red score in his report and he has a great talent which is drawing comics. He likes to spends his sparetime in drawing comics alone and often angry when I interrupted him.
That is all about my family, each of them have their own character but all of us can live in harmony and help each other when facing difficult problem. I hope we can be better day by day and in a family means no one lost and left behind. I also believed that loving each other is the first step to start everythings, without love we just ruin everythings, no hopes, no ways and no brighter future.
After reading this articles, I hope you can enjoy and love your family because they are the first one who will help us when we are in trouble.

Otzi was an ancient person who was found by two German climbers in frozen condition in the Alps when they were on holiday. Otzi quickly became popular among many people around the world. Not only the body was found frozen in the ice but also many amazing artifacts were found next to him such as copper axe, stone knife, arrows and quiver and a leather backpack. Historians believed that Otzi might have come from two different areas such as Northern Italy between Milan and Vernice, the other in Southern Switzerland and Austria. The historians also believed that Otzi was a person of great importance, he might be a shaman or holy man. Now, Otzi's body is kept in Italian museum.