I had been given a dog from my uncle when my uncle migrated to Taiwan last three decades. I promised my uncle to groom the dog solemnly and never neglect it.
First two weeks, I kept the dog really well. The dog was very cute and clever, he liked to pouch at me and play with me. I was also very joyful while taking the dog for a walk.
Day went by, my spirit became waned. I felt absolutely bored with my job. moreover, I made it as an useless chore. I always avoid seeing the little dog wherever I went. I was lazy to spend my time with my dog.
One day, the dog became particularly sick and collapsed it might be I had made him felt alone for a long time. My father obliged to take the dog to the nearest hospital, this made me felt very guilty since I had already ignored my plagued. I nervously called my uncle in Taiwan, fortunately he wanted to forgive all my fault.
this is really cute dog...